My website is showing a white page. What should I do? Print

  • white page, 500 error message, http error
  • 1

Please note: this help article only applies to our website builder found within your Services account with us, and is not relevant to other content management software such as Wordpress, Joomla etc.


In very rare circumstances your website may encounter the following:-

  1. A white page and/or
  2. a HTTP 500 status code in the web browser


This may occur where you have inserted custom code into your website which has conflicted with the website builder.

To resolve this we recommend completing a repair of your website which you can achieve by:

Access services account.

  • Login to your Services account by entering your email address and password. Select the Login button.

Log in to your services account

  • Select the Services menu and select My Services, then select Build a website on the left hand-side.

Build a website

  • From here select your website name from the drop-down list and select the blue continue button

Select your website address

  • On this screen leave all the settings as default and select the blue continue button.

Continue with installation

  • On the final page select Upgrade to Latest Version to perform a repair.

Repair website

The core files of our website builder will now be repaired, and if an upgrade is available, this will be applied. The white page should now be gone and you will be logged into your website editor where you can update your content.

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